University projects

»Education should be open to everyone. There should be no class distinctions.«


»A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education«, according to the very matter-of-fact dictionary definition. But scholarships can also be seen as an affair of the heart—as in the case of Heribert Nasch.

For Nasch, education was never a question of social background, skin color, or religion.  If a person is committed, if they work hard and well and gain good grades, they deserve the opportunity to take the next step forwards. University, for example.

Or rather: universities. Because the Heribert Nasch Foundation offers scholarships at numerous universities. Besides good grades at school, the Foundation looks closely at the financial needs of potential scholarship holders—in the case of orphans, for example.

The scholarships cover all university fees and also include an allowance towards general living expenses. In special cases, the scholarship also covers the cost of accommodation. This creates a wide spectrum of opportunities, which are thankfully not one-off; there are currently 15 scholarship holders receiving personal support from the Heribert Nasch Foundation.

Our graduates in the spring of 2016:

Our university projects in South Africa: